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Hostile Policing

Hostile Policing.

Police Misconduct South of Market


Daily Randomness

I just saw a video of police officers violating an individual’s civil rights and eventually shooting his dog multiple times.

I’m not going to post the link because there are already so many videos of these civil servants violating the rights of those who pay their salary. Plus, it would be heart-breaking for many of you to watch the dog rolling on the floor in pain.

In the video, the man was walking his dog, and started filming some police activity that was occurring down the street. Now, I don’t know the specific codes of the county this was filmed in, but it is perfectly within a citizen’s right to film police officers while on public property. If the sidewalk is not counted as private property, then a civil suit should be filed.

Instead of politely requesting the man to move on, they used their supposed knowledge of the law…

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Hostile Policing - by F. Kaskais

After Cops Threatened to Arrest Me and Harass Me When I Took Their Picture, I Decided to Test the Citizen Complaint Process to See if It Works

I was riding my bike past Fifth Avenue South and South Jackson Street at about 7:25 p.m. on July 30 when I saw several officers surrounding a young black man sitting on a planter box. The cops were speaking loudly at him. As a reporter, when I see a buzz of police activity, I almost always stop to see what’s going on. As the officers barked louder at the man, I took out my phone and snapped a photo.

From 25 or so feet away, I couldn’t discern what was happening, but the man stood up to leave. That’s when one of the officers eyed me and yelled something like “He’s got a camera!”

King County Sheriff’s Office sergeant Patrick “K.C.” Saulet rushed…

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Feds: Judge, jilted by girlfriend, tried to frame her husband in crime –



Feds: Judge, jilted by girlfriend, tried to frame her husband in crime –

Here is another incident where a Public Official drags Law Enforcement Officers into a conspiracy to unlawfully cause harm to another by unlawful persecution. It seems the Judge had a thing for his secretary and because she wouldn’t leave her husband, the Judge set in motion a campaign to set the husband up for a fall. And, you  would think stuff like this doesn’t happen in real life . . .

I raised this issue earlier in a different article written here. If an act of violence or similar is committed against a Law Enforcement Officer, the person committing the offense will be charged for the crime plus an enhancement to the charge for the act committed against a Peace Officer. But, Public Officials, Peace Officers, Firemen, and other that serve in Government position, are…

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If “Stop and Frisk” Is Indefensible and Repugnant, Is Behavior Profiling as Well?

Most certainly…

Mitroff Political Blog

Originally published on The Huffington Post, August 20, 2013

Over the weekend, a disagreement of sorts took place between (1) New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and (2) Ben Jealous, Head of the NAACP, and Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon Martin’s mother. It continued Monday morning on MSNBC where Mr. Jealous accused the policy of Stop and Frisk of essentially allowing the racial profiling whole communities and further encouraging self-appointed vigilantes such as George Zimmerman.

Since I generally side with the NAACP, I was uncomfortable with the argument. In this particular case, I disagreed with Mr. Jealous and Ms. Fulton. I basically don’t see the killing of Trayvon Martin, the law Stand Your Ground, and the policy Stop and Frisk as equivalent. Since distinctions, and especially the arguments on which they are based, matter, it is important to challenge them when they are wrong.

From the very beginning, I have…

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‘Stop and Frisk’ on your mind? It all starts here.

Exactly, Terry v Ohio is the precursor to stop and frisk…

‘Leroy Bloomberg’ parody Twitter account spoofs NYC mayor’s stop-and-frisk position


Have A Seat! Mayor Bloomberg Says NYC Housing Project Tenants Should Be Fingerprinted (DETAILS)

Stop and Frisk Now, Stop and Frisk Tomorrow, Stop and Frisk Forever/Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever